Nafis Group has formed partnership with national and international companies in order to further its business and enter the international market. These joint ventures are with the following companies:
In 2013, Nafis Group entered a partnership with this Korean company and formed IGK, which has interest in short and mid-term businesses particularly in oil and gas, spare parts and real estate fields.
- Phoenix International
With the help of this Danish company a heavy crude oil refinery was built in Iraq.
- Dade Pardazi Iran (Previously IBM)
With Iranian government aiming to prevent smuggling goods to Iran, this J.V. resulted in anti-smuggling solution known as SHABNAM which helped the government to trace the smuggled goods in the market.
- Atlas Galaxy
The J.V. between these two Iranian companies, made it possible for Nafis Group not only to invest in building a port and therefore strengthen the infrastructure in Iran but also to benefit from the opportunity of trading with CIS countries.